Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Dear Donald: 5 Reasons You Should Quit the Presidential Race Today

This is an open letter to Donald Trump.

Dear Donald:

I have to say congratulations.   What you've accomplished in this GOP Presidential Primary contest is amazing.  You've proven all the naysayers, myself included, wrong.  I never thought you would actually run, and when you actually did, I thought the voters were too smart to fall for your act.  I was wrong.   Not only have you led the race almost from day 1, you're blowing away the field.   You're leading in almost every national poll and almost every state poll that's been taken, and by very wide margins.   Not only are you trouncing the newcomers like Carly and Dr. Ben, you are killing the "legitimate guys"; Christie, Rubio, Jeb, and Cruz would kill for your numbers.   As of this date, the GOP nomination is yours for the taking.    Now is the perfect time for you to declare victory and walk away.  I know you're a businessman, and I've got 5 good business reasons why you should quit today.

5.  You are not going to win, and this contest has been bad for your image and your business.  We know that you're richer than Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Oprah put together, but let's face it Donald, this Presidential thing has cost you some moolah.  NBC Universal pulled out of the Miss Universe pageant after you insulted Mexicans, the Dubai based Landmark Group has stopped selling your furniture in the Middle East, and Trump Turnberry, which you poured a bunch of money into renovating, lost the 2020 British Open.  I know you don't need the money and Warren Buffet calls you when he needs a loan, but money is how businessmen keep score isn't it?  Get back to building fantastic businesses.

4.  You are not going to win, and let's face it, being President would actually be a step down for you in terms of lifestyle.  The job is a hassle, that's why most rich guys won't do it.  Do you know that the Secret Service goes with you EVERYWHERE?  I'm just saying, Donald, read that sentence again, EVERYWHERE.  You don't need Air Force One, my bet is your plane is already nicer.   You can already get a meeting with anyone in the world, you're the most famous person on the planet, and do you really want to spend all that time away from your gorgeous wife Melania?
Remember, the Secret Service will go EVERYWHERE with her too.  Again, I'm just saying.  Being President is for poor people and the children of rich people.  You've got better things to do.  Which brings me to number 3.

3.  You are not going to win, and you have set the stage beautifully for Ivanka to be President one day.  Ivanka appears to be the total package.  
She's beautiful (you yourself said if she  wasn't your daughter you would probably date her.  Putting the creep factor of that statement aside, it's probably true), she's poised, and she's accomplished.   She's well known through The Apprentice and she seems to do great with people.   And you know how Republicans love beautiful blondes with long legs.  If you don't just turn on Fox News any time of day.    And she's actually smart.   Think about it Donald, you get all the benefits of the White House without any of the hassle, and you get the bonus of the parental pride of seeing your offspring leading the free world.

2.  You are not going to win, and if you drop out now, you OWN the Republican Party for the next decade.   You've proven your point.  You are the man.  None of them like you but they all suck up to you because they know you are their only hope.  Your supporters love YOU, not the GOP.  They are YOUR supporters.  The establishment is terrified that you will bolt the party and run as an independent because they know they have no chance of winning without your supporters.  You think the establishment Republicans suck up to you now?  Drop out today and every Presidential candidate that you've insulted will be shining floors in the Trump Tower lobby with a toothbrush to get your endorsement.   You can singlehandedly pick the next GOP nominee.  You're a dealmaker, cut the deal now.    I'm sure any of them will let you use the White House movie theater at any time or anything else you want.  A bill to rename the official residence the Trump White House would not be out of the question.   Just imagine the big Trump sign outside the front entrance every time they show the building.  Talk about branding!  You understand leverage Donald.  Right now, right before the first vote is cast, you have all the leverage.  Use it now because that brings me to the number 1 reason you should quit today.

1.  You are not going to win, you will never be President of the United States.  Donald I know your ego might not except this yet, and I get it.  That's part of why you are who you are.  But trust me on this one, you won't win.  You may win the GOP nomination,  because the GOP has set the stage over the last 8 years for somebody just like you to come along.  I know it's been fun, and I know somewhere along the way you've talked yourself into believing that you can win.   You're Teflon Don now.  You can lie and your supporters don't care.  You can say the most bigoted and outrageous things and your supporters won't care.  You are cruising to the nomination.    And I know you think that after you get the nomination you will just be able to tell the American people you didn't really mean any of those things; you were just doing what you had to do to win.   But you will never win a general election Donald, there are too many smart people who vote in Presidential elections.   The run will be over, the "liberal media" will turn on you, and you will go down in flames.  You don't really want to go out like Al Pacino in Scarface do you?

So those are my reasons Donald.  Quit today.  Say even that you know you would win,  you're withdrawing because this race was never about personal ambition, you're no Mitt Romney.  Say you've decided that you can help the country more as a private citizen and as an advisor to the next President.  Say you've decided that you can Make America Great Again by building more wonderful businesses and employing millions and millions more people.     Why take the chance on losing to Hillary??? If you quit today, you leave on top.   Isn't that what it's all about?


Guy Who Bought Art of the Deal and Enjoyed It
But Still Thinks You're an Ass

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