Thursday, December 31, 2015

Bill Cosby, Tamir Rice, and Michael Vick's Dog

This has been a really emotional week for me, capped off by Bill Cosby's arrest yesterday in Philadelphia on criminal sexual assault charges.  When I look back at 2015, I will remember it as the year the American Criminal Justice system reminded black Americans that this system was not designed to protect you, and it still does not protect you.  

Let's be clear.  I think the women accusing Bill Cosby are telling the truth, and as much as I admire the work Bill Cosby has done, I have no problem with him being held accountable for his actions.  Wrong is wrong, and karma doesn't sleep.  But this article is about the American criminal justice system, not about Bill Cosby.  And my understanding of the American Criminal justice systems tells me in this particular case, Bill Cosby is getting screwed.   

Bill Cosby going to Court
Cosby entered into a settlement in a criminal case with the complainant in this matter that included a legally binding non disclosure agreement and an agreement that all depositions would be permanently sealed in 2006.  Those transcripts were never supposed to be seen by anybody not involved in that particular case.  But Judge Eduardo Robreno unsealed the transcripts because he said "The stark contrast between Bill Cosby, the public moralist and Bill Cosby, the subject of serious allegations concerning improper (and perhaps criminal) conduct is a matter as to which the AP — and by extension the public — has a significant interest".  I'm not a lawyer but I don't understand how a judge gets to make that call.  Maybe one of my lawyer friends can explain it to me.   Does sealed in a court of law not mean sealed forever?  Cosby was arrested for something that happened 11 years ago based solely on testimony from 2006.  His victim will get her shot at Justice.

Michael Vick
Michael Vick was prosecuted under the RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) for financing a dog fighting ring, participating in dog fights, and personally gambling on those dog fights.  The federal government said that made him part of an ongoing criminal organization (keep in mind no similar charges have been made against any of the bankers who nearly wrecked the world economy, but that's another post).   Dog lovers were outraged, and eventually Mike Vick went to prison for dog fighting.  Mike Vick's dog got Justice.

Which brings me to Tamir Rice.  The 12 year old boy was playing in the park in Cleveland with a toy gun when police responded to a dispatch call of a of "a male black sitting on a swing and pointing a gun at people".   The police car arrived at a park filled with children playing, pulled up right next to Tamir Rice and shot and killed him within 2 seconds of getting out of the car.    A grand jury decided not to indict the officer who killed Tamir Rice after the prosecutor played the role of attorney for the defense during the grand jury proceedings.  There will be no Justice for Tamir Rice.
Tamir Rice

Which brings me back to my emotional week.  I can't help but wonder how much more of this I can take, how much more this country can take before we explode.  Justice for Bill Cosby's victim, Justice for Michael Vick's dog, no Justice for the 12 year old black kid shot and killed while simply playing in the park.  The Supreme Court of the United States, the highest court in the land, has an inscription on the front of the building that says "Equal Justice Under The Law".   When???


  1. Powerful and insightful, Tyrone. I'm equally as outraged and am truly not even able to remain hopeful.

    1. I get it. I'm not sure what reason we as black people have to remain hopeful. The system continually shows us that it doesn't care about us....
